“Who is my Neighbour? Interfaith Dialogue and Theological Formation” (Responses)


  • Duhaime Jean Université de Montréal
  • Rabbi Sherril Gilbert Aleph Canada
  • Hassan Guillet




Interfaith dialogue, Christian-Jewish-Muslim dialogue, theological education, Vatican II, Christian-Jewish Diaologue, La Table interreligieuse


The following are three response papers that were presented at the “Who is My Neighbour? Interfaith Dialogue and Theological Formation Conference,” held on October 19, 2022, and are indirectly responding to Amy-Jill Levine's discussion on Christian-Jewish dialogue.

The first response paper by Jean Duhaime, entitled “Christian-Jewish Dialogue and Theological Formation,” discusses how Christian-Jewish dialogue has been viewed and theologically negotiated in the Catholic tradition since Vatican II. By also addressing various Jewish reactions to the shift in Catholic attitudes towards the Jewish tradition, Duhaime illustrates the work still needed to be done for the Catholic Church to clarify its understanding of the relationship between Christianity and Judaism while simultaneously highlighting the value of including Jewish-Christian dialogue in the formation and training of religious leaders.

The second response paper by Sherril Gilbert, entitled “Why Training in the Art of Interreligious Dialogue Is Necessary for Theological Education: Thinking About ‘Who Is My Neighbour?’ From a Jewish Perspective,” discusses her personal experience in the seminary and her work as a Rabbi in multifaith contexts. Rabbi Sherril Gilbert’s response shifts the focus from the dialogue of theological exchange to what interreligious dialogue theorists would call “the dialogue of life” – which is to say, she articulates the wholistic value of interfaith dialogue, and, in doing so, demonstrates why it is crucial to incorporate a concern for interfaith dialogue into modern theological education.

The last response paper by Hassan Guillet, entitled “La Table interreligieuse de concentration du Québec: A Case Study” examines his personal experiences with interfaith dialogue during the COVID-19 pandemic, as a founding member of the Table Interreligieuse de concertation du Québec. He explains how this experience opened his eyes to the power of interfaith dialogue and collaboration, and also to the need to expand interfaith dialogue initiatives to include as many faith communities as possible, including Indigenous faith communities that are not as clearly demarcated as, say, Christianity, Judaism, or Islam

Author Biographies

Duhaime Jean, Université de Montréal

Jean Duhaime, French Language Editor of the Jewish-Christian Relations website, is an Honorary Professor of Biblical Interpretation in the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies of the University of Montreal, where he taught from 1976 to 2013; he was Dean of the Faculty from 2005 to 2009. His areas of interest include the Prophets, the Psalms, and Wisdom literature, as well as the contribution of the social sciences to the study of the Bible. He specializes in study of the Qumran documents (Dead Sea Scrolls) and is the author of numerous essays on the subject, including chapters in The Dead Sea Scrolls: Fifty Years after Their Discovery, 1947-1997 (Jerusalem, 2000) and Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls (ed. by Lawrence H. Schiffman and J.C. VanderKam, New York, 2000), as well as a book The War Texts: 1QM and Related Manuscripts (London and New York 2004). Prof. Duhaime has been active in interfaith dialogue for many years and is a Past President of the Christian-Jewish Dialogue in Montreal (CJDM). He is a member of the Communauté chrétienne St.-Albert-le-Grand (St. Albert the Great Christian Community) in Montreal.

Rabbi Sherril Gilbert, Aleph Canada

Sherril Gilbert is an adult educator, rabbi, chaplain, spiritual director, social justice advocate, and social scientist with a proven gift for creating inclusive, inspiring and supportive experiences. She is also an active community leader with extensive experience working with vulnerable populations.

Hassan Guillet

Hassan Guillet received a Bachelor’s and Master's degree in aerospace engineering from Concordia University and is a member of the Order of Engineers of Quebec. He also received a Bachelor of Law from the University of Montreal and is a member of the Barreau du Québec.  After retiring from the aerospace industry, he concentrated his life on spiritual and social engagement. Guillet pursued graduate studies in Islamic theology at Jinan University and volunteered as an Imam, speaker, and lecturer in numerous mosques, Muslim cultural centers and charity Islamic organizations as well as spokesman of the Council of Imam of Quebec.
He was selected to pay tribute to the Quebec Mosque victims. The Eulogy address was attended by over 6000 people, including the Prime minister of Canada, the Premier of Quebec, federal and provincial members of governments and parliaments, multi-faith religious leaders, and national and international media correspondents. The speech was broadcast and hailed worldwide as a call for peace in a time of crisis. Guillet is also co-Founder and member of the Table interreligieuse de concertation du Quebec’s coordination committee. The Table’s role is to be a bridge between Quebec’s government and faith communities after many decades of estranged relations between them.


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How to Cite

Jean, Duhaime, Sherril Gilbert, and Hassan Guillet. 2023. “‘Who Is My Neighbour? Interfaith Dialogue and Theological Formation’ (Responses)”. Journal of the Council for Research on Religion 4 (2). Montreal, QC, Canada:14-43. https://doi.org/10.26443/jcreor.v4i2.85.



Interfaith Dialogue and Theological Formation: Day One, Panel One