Comité éditorial

Editorial Board


Chief Editorial Board 

Professor Gerbern S. Oegema, McGill University, Canada - Editor-in-Chief

Professor Patricia G. Kirkpatrick, McGill University, Canada - Editor

Professor David Goodin, Université de Laval, Canada - Editor

Dr. Susan G. Palmer, Concordia University, Canada - Editor


General Editorial/Publishing Team 


Dr. Amanda Rosini, McGill University, Canada

Elyse MacLeod, Ph.D Candidate, McGill University, Canada

Dr. Aaron Ricker, Carleton University and Bishop's University, Canada

Dr. Shaun Retallick, Independent Scholar, Canada

Shelby Haber, MA, Independent Scholar, Canada



Dr. Tony Basham, McGill University, Canada


Guest Editors

Professor André Gagné, Concordia Univeristy, Canada

Professor Torrance Kirby, McGill University, Canada

Professor Pamella McCarroll, Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto, Canada


Review & Advisory Board

The Editorial Advisory Board consists of members from different academic institution that participate in both the peer-review and copy-editing process. Our Review and Advisory board members will differ from one issue to the next. The board will be comprised of scholars from across the globe whose expertise lies in the topic of any given volume issue. The board members solicited to review papers and advise on the submissions received will be listed in the Editorial Address of every volume issue.


Management and Overview of McGill Univeristy's Open Journal Publishing Services 

Jennifer Innes,  McGill University, Canada