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Liste de vérification de la soumission

Les auteurs-es doivent s'assurer de la conformité de leur soumission avec l'ensemble des éléments suivants. Les soumissions non conformes pourraient être retournées aux auteurs-es.

Directives aux auteurs-es


The final revised submission in digital format should: 1) be spaced at 1.15, 2) appear in 11-point font (TNR), and 3) have a complete bibliography of all sources cited. Please keep the word count to no more than 10,000 including citations/bibliography.

Abbreviations should be avoided. For abbreviations of biblical books, see the comprehensive listing compiled by the Journal of Biblical Studies. Please do not improvise on format. Refer to Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition for further grammatical guidance. Avoid page-layout formatting. The text should be aligned flush left and ragged right; do not justify or center.

Use hard returns at the end of paragraphs only. Let your software make line breaks (word wrap), and do not add extra line spaces between paragraphs. Please do not include any running headers or footers (although page numbers are acceptable). 



1) Title. The first page starts with the article title and the first letter of each word is capitalized according to CMS formatting (headline style). The title is in Garamond, 20pt. A blank line follows the title.


2) Abstract. The abstract follows the blank line with the title "Abstract" in bold. The text immediately follows on the same line. The abstract is followed by a blank line. The abstract should not exceed 250 words. Example: Abstract: This paper addresses….


3) Keywords. Keywords (Max. 5) follow with the same formatting as the abstract and are separated by commas (no period at the end). One line is skipped after the keywords.


4) Text body. The body of the text follows and is to be 8 000 - 10 000 words (including footnotes), in TNR 11pt.


5) Paragraphs. Each paragraph has an indent of 1.27 cm at the first line. There are no spaces between paragraphs, except before subtitles.


6) Subtitles. Each subtitle is in bold, centered, and in 11pt, with no indent or colon. Subheadings are also in 11pt, italicized, with no indentation or colon.


7) Figures and tables.  Figures, images, photographs, drawings, tables, and diagrams are directly inserted into the text and are centered. They must be labeled with appropriate credits for copyright and in accordance with McGill’s copyright policy.


8) Acknowledgements. Acknowledgements, if any, should be the first footnote.  


10) Citations. Citations are to be formatted as footnotes (long form) and follow CMS guidelines. Please note that a bibliography is required.


11) Blinding the review. The instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.


12) Foreign languages. Non-transliterated foreign languages should be in original script and transliterated foreign languages should be italicized.


13) Not previously published. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration. For information on copyright and dissemination please contact editors.


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Les noms et courriels saisis dans le site de cette revue seront utilisés exclusivement aux fins indiquées par cette revue et ne serviront à aucune autre fin, ni à toute autre partie.