Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): 500 Years of the Reformation

The second issue of volume one of The Journal of the Council for Research on Religion (JCREOR) goes back to a colloquium hosted at the McGill School of Religious Studies in 2018 that focused on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in light of the rich, many sided, and often conflict-laden relations between the Reformation and the world’s religions.
Presented in this issue are a selection of papers from the Colloquium which address a variety of topics related to the history of the Reformation and its relationship to the Catholic Church, Judaism, Islam, Indigenous Peoples, and inter-religious dialogue. A central question in all papers concerns learning from the past: what can we learn from the past to make our present and future better, especially in the context of inter-religious complexity in Quebec and Canada and in light of the growing influence of religion and globalization.
A special thanks goes to the Presbyterian College for a significant financial contribution towards both the Colloquium and this Issue.